International Tatting Day 2015

Tatting for International Tatting Day 2015

Plans for today:
Tat for enjoyment
Wear tatting
Eat chocolate!

Check out this cute little poem by muskaan.  This describes me, how about you?

‘Coz We Are Tatters

The room is all
The family
a-grumble, a-mutter,
But my heart is
still a-flutter,
Stashing more
thread is all that matters
‘Coz I am a tatter.
“That money’s for
Oh, honey, I’m sure
we’re good.
Need a new shuttle
in wood
Diversifying my
collection is all that matters
‘Coz I am a tatter.
There’s a new book
Well I mayn’t tat a
But that book has
to be mine
Stocking my library
is all that matters
‘Coz, peeps, I am
very much a tatter!
                                (muskaan, March

Make lace, not war

Two Snowmen

I had an idea for a snowman the other day.
Snowman doodle  Wanda Salmans 2014
He was a bit of a pain to make – he didn’t want to hold still to put on his hat or scarf!  And I lost the beads on the floor several times before he was done.  He remains alone – at least for the time being.  He might get a friend to be worn as earrings someday.
We’ll see.

It snowed last week, a wet, heavy snow, just perfect for snowmen and snowballs. We had a couple of the grandchildren staying that day and they could hardly wait to get out in it.  The first thing were snow angels and then a snowman.  A carrot for a nose, charcoal for eyes and buttons, twigs as mouth and arms.  Papa brought out a hat and Grandma donated her scarf.  Then we couldn’t go in without a snowball fight. It was so much fun!  The snowman lasted a couple of days, slowly leaning over but kept it together until the kids left.  A few hours later he lost his head, then the rest of him gradually melted away.
Have you built a snowman yet this year?

Two Snowmen
One inside, one outside,
One little, one big.
One lives for ever – or until he gets lost.
One lives a few days when he just melts away.
Both were made in just a short time,
For the length of their stay
They bring smiles to us all.
Wanda Salmans 2014

Are you ready

For Christmas? 
A farmer in his trusty tractor bringing home the Christmas tree
Nutcrackers guarding the door
 I am, mostly.  I still have a few things I want to tat (of course!) but I’m not going to stress if they don’t get done.  I’ve got some of the cards sent and hopefully I’ll finish them tomorrow.   That’s what I was doing today instead of posting here.  In fact, I forgot to take pictures of what I have been working on so I’m sharing a couple of pictures of some of the Christmas lights we saw a couple of weeks ago.
As I don’t have any tatting to share today I’ll share the poem I wrote instead.
A Christmas Poem
Twas the week before
Christmas, and all through the house
I decked the halls for
the season (with help from my spouse.)
Ornaments were hung on
the tree with great care
Even out on the lawn
decorations were there
With gift-giving in mind
and a list in my hand
We headed to town the
crowds to withstand
To buy just the right
present, for each person we knew
Just the right gift – I
hadn’t a clue!
As we walked down the
street, as we shopped in the mall
There were toys of all
sizes, for kids large and small.
Through every speaker
there was many a shout
“Be the first to
have this!” “You can’t live without!”
For every age, and for
every type
Were gadgets and widgets
and a whole lot of hype
To convince you to spend
every bit your dough
In this place and that
place and hard to say “No!’
After suffering the
crowds as we traversed the aisles
(Of which there many,
each one seeming like miles!)
We turned to each other
with strain on our faces
And agreed with a glance
to get out of these places!
We returned home from
the stores with sighs of relief.
But relief was
short-lived, reprieve very brief.
No gifts did we have and
time was now short.
What gifts could be given
as a last resort?
We glanced at our tree,
at the star there on top,
That symbol of the
season made us just stop.
It glittered there
brightly, shining down from above
Reminding us of the gift
that had been given with love.
One night long ago, in a
faraway place
A boy-child was born,
one filled with God’s grace.
He was born to save us,
a gift to us all
A gift we should share,
and it’s not found in a mall.
We realized that it
wasn’t how much that was spent
Or how new or how snazzy
or what the content.
To celebrate this birth
we give gifts to each other
A small token of the
gift once given by Another.
So, in this season of
gift-giving and fun
Remember that God gave
us His Son
To save us from sin and
make all things right.
Blessed Christmas to all
and to all a good night.
                                                          Wanda Salmans 2012