Happy St. Patrick’s Day 2023

St. Patrick's Day 2023 on wandasknottythoughts

I almost forgot to get a picture of these. I worked until the last minute to finish all of them (because I decided to do this the morning of the meeting) and left the house on the way to the meeting without taking a picture. I had to stop at my daughter’s house on the way and remembered at the last minute! All the ladies at the meeting were happy to get them.

I had wondered if I would finish the clovers off on paperclips, but I like how they turned out.

Are you wearing green today? Orange? Or the white for peace?

“May your blessings outnumber the shamrocks that grow, and may trouble avoid you wherever you go.”

Playing in Clover

It’s March, that time of year I see hints of spring and green things. It makes me think of Leprechauns and clovers. I’ve had shades of green on my shuttles for several weeks now, making clovers.

Clovers on wandasknottythoughts
Playing with clovers

I’ve been having fun making these clovers. I haven’t quite decided what I’m going to do with them, which is why they still have their tails. I might need them to sew them down to something.

Clovers on clips on wandasknottythoughts
Clovers on paperclips

I put some clovers on paperclips. I think I like them like this, but I’m not sure enough to cut off their tails.

A field of clovers on wandasknottythoughts
A field of clovers

I’ve made clovers in several shades of green. I think they look good in both, though I’m partial to the brighter shade.

Clover lapel pin on wandasknottythoughts
Clover lapel pin

I even made a clover lapel pin using a large, springless safety pin. I received some very nice compliments on it at church Sunday. I’m very happy with how it turned out.

Clover colors on wandasknottythoughts
Clover colors

The clovers are all in Lizbeth thread: the lapel pin in size 3 #684, Leaf Green Med; the paper clips in size 20 # 676, Leaf Green Dk; and the loose clovers in size 20 #713, Kelly Green.

I made a few clovers a couple of years ago from the same pattern, including a pair of earrings. Maybe I need another pair in a different shade of green. Here’s my pattern for them if you are interested. They don’t take long to make.

Simple clover pattern on wandasknottythoughts
Simple clover pattern

Having green on my shuttles for clovers and bookmarks was one of the reasons the doily I’ve been playing with was in green. I like how it looks without the button in the center.

Two green doilies on wandasknottythoughts
Two green doilies

The centers definitely change the look of the doily. I also changed the outside round stitch count to have it lay flatter. I’m liking this doily!

“To make a prairie it takes a clover and one bee, One clover, and a bee, And revery. The revery alone will do, If bees are few.” Emily Dickinson

Sad News

There have been sad news for tatters several times this year already.

First, Rebecca Jones, the author of The Complete Book of Tatting, has died. This book was one of my first tatting books. It has so many wonderful ideas for tatting though it doesn’t really have a lot of patterns in it. I referred to it frequently for many years and still do on occasion. I recommend it to new tatters. Rebecca had wonderful insights into tatting and shared them in an engaging way. It was very disheartening to hear of her passing.

Then I learned that @torontofox passed away in February. I followed Fox on her tatting blog for a long time. When she tried Zentangle, I followed that, too. More recently she was sharing her cross-stitching on Instagram. I don’t do cross-stitch, but I followed her on that, as well. Over the years, she would leave me wonderful comments here on my blog, full of encouragement and humor. She will be greatly missed.

Recently, I have been looking around for ideas of where to use tatting. A lot of people don’t use or like doilies, they read on electronic devices so don’t use bookmarks, and some don’t have much use for snowflakes or other such things, so not ideal people to gift tatting to. I’ve found there are a lot of videos on Youtube for junk journals, showing ways that use small laces and papers to decorate journals. I have always loved paper things as they use for these journals, and think this would be a fun way to use up some of my bits and pieces, ones that are finished and those that might have a mistake or two.

Flea market find for junk journal on wandasknottythoughts
Flea market find for a junk journal

While watching one the other day, the video creator was showing items that she found that are inexpensive that can be used in these journals. I was a bit dismayed by her flea market find of a small tatted doily. It saddened me to think she would cut it up to use in a journal. She did say that she probably wouldn’t cut this one up but possibly use it whole on the outside of a journal, which cheered me up a little. I have a lot of things I’ve tatted laying around or hidden in drawers, some finished, some not. I tat because I love to tat, not because I necessarily have a plan for each piece. It is a depressing thought that one day some of them could be in a flea market somewhere, waiting to be picked up for a few cents. Which is probably better than being thrown away… Or maybe a small piece picked up by someone who has never seen it before and will be inspired to try it, a happier thought. But I will continue tatting, finding joy in the making. Tatting is my happy place.

My something green from the previous post has grown. It is still not a bookmark but a small doily.

Something green has grown on wandasknottythoughts
Something green has grown

I do not like the button in the middle for a doily, so I have started it again without one. That does change the look, but I am tickled by the look of it. I’m liking where it is going.

Now, I’m going back to my happy place. Where’s yours?

happy place


memorysituation, or activity that makes you feel happy

Ready for some green

Can you believe it’s almost March already? We haven’t had a hard or bad winter here in Kansas – so far – with more mild days than bad. But I’m still looking forward to spring, with growing things popping up everywhere. A few green things are popping up on my shuttles already.

Something green on wandasknottythoughts
Something green

The plan was to start making green bookmarks for several friends in March. What came off my shuttles is NOT a bookmark. My fingers decided I should do something else. I’m not sure I like that green button in the center, but I liked the size. I’m already on to another round on this. It looks like I’ll be starting the bookmarks later.

My hand is starting to feel better, which makes me more inclined to tat. For a while there I did not want to pick up a shuttle. I ended up reading a few ebooks instead of tatting. I started a series from Sherry A. Burton, The Jerry McNeal stories. They are good enough that I started the series on February 16 and am now on the 10th of 13 books. They aren’t very long and are quick reads. Not much else has been done.

I did have pancakes on February 21, which was Shrove Tuesday. I had been reminded about pancakes on the news that day because of the pancake races in Onley, England, and Liberal, Kansas, USA. There is a fun rivalry between the two towns, seeing which one will beat the other. This year Olney won. I had nothing to do with the races other than seeing the results later, but pancakes did sound good.

Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday 2023 on wandasknottythoughts
Pancakes on Shrove Tuesday 2023

We’ve had several days of temperatures in the 60s F, but today we’ll be lucky to get to 32°. We do have sunny skies, which is a blessing, considering all the nasty weather people to the north are getting the last few days. We are supposed to get a lot warmer here Sunday, but with that comes the possibility of severe weather, such as hail, strong winds, and a chance for tornadoes. We go from one extreme to the other.

I’m going to go back to my shuttles now, and see what I can accomplish. (My dog is telling me I should pay attention to her, so we’ll see!)

“Analyzing humor is like dissecting a frog. Few people are interested and the frog dies of it.” E. B. White

Aliens Have Arried

Jane Eborall has published the last part of her 2023 TIAS, and it’s a good one. I was kept guessing until almost the end. You can never tell where she’ll take you on her yearly journey. You think you know what it is you’re tatting, and she surprises you. I encourage all of you to go check out her Tat It and See blog to see all the aliens that have been sent in. She numbers them so we know how many there are. Here’s mine.

TIAS alien on wandasknottythoughts
TIAS alien

Jane put a lot of techniques into the TIAS this year. There are Victorian sets, Catherine Wheel joins, long twisted picots, as well as split rings. As in any of her patterns, if you have trouble with a technique, she has helpful hints and directions on her blog, so no one needs to feel that is too much for them. The clues are given days apart, giving you plenty of time to learn and work on the TIAS. The journey is always fun, as are the comments of everyone else traveling on it with you.

Even with the TIAS going on I was able to finish the paperclip heart bookmarks I wanted to and in plenty of time. They were warmly received. The pictures I posted of them on Facebook were also well received, with a lot of people wanting the pattern. I realized that I had the heart pattern but not the bookmark part of it posted. I suppose I should update the pattern with the bookmark option. Until then, here is what I did to make the bookmark part.

Replace RJ in the pattern with a split ring: SR 3-1–1—1–1-3/3-1–1—1–1-3. Repeat for the length desired. The last ring is R 3-1–1—1–1-3 join to paperclip, join to paperclip 3-1–1—1–1-3.

January Heart paperclip bookmark on wandasknottythoguhts
January Heart paperclip bookmark

Now that Valentine’s is over, I need to move on to other things. I am prepping to teach a class in April at a library. Not sure how many will signup, if anyone, but I’m getting my notes and such together. I was contacted by the librarian last fall about doing a class in the spring. I don’t know when they will advertise/promote it. I may not know much until closer to time.

March is fast approaching, with St. Patrick’s day and spring weather. I have a few ideas I want to try that reflect those ideas. I just need to get my thread together and get started.

My sister and I are starting to get more into our planning for the cruise we are taking in November. We are going on the “Knotical Adventures” Tat Sea cruise with Tatting Corner. It’s going to be so much fun! Are any of you going?

“Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.” Carl Sagan

February Tatting

I haven’t tatted a lot in the last month or so due to one of my hands hurting. Not sure what I’ve done to cause it, but it lets me know when I hold a shuttle or try to grip things with my right hand. I’ve been doing the recommended stretches to help it get better, which it has, but I’m still going slow with any tatting.

What tatting I’ve been doing are small things, like working on the Arlo bookmark. I think I’m finally happy with the ends, so now I just need to finish the pattern. While doing this, I tried the stitch count on just the ends. By the time I finished this sample, I was thinking it would make a cute earring.

Short Arlo bookmark on wandasknottythoughts
Short Arlo bookmark

I’ve also been doing Jane Eborall’s TIAS (Tat It And See). A great way to tat without doing too much at a time, right? We’re only a couple of clues from finishing, and I’m still not sure what it is! This is up to day 12.

2023 TIAS day 12 on wandasknottythoughts
2023 TIAS day 12

Something has to attach at the top, but how exactly, I don’t know. It’s a person, right? Maybe? You never know with Jane! There are a lot of fun guesses over on the Tat It And See blog. Jane’s next clue for the TIAS is in a couple of days. I understood her to say there are two clues left. I’m looking forward to seeing how we finish this up. Are any of you doing it?

I’ve also been doing a few small bookmarks using my January Heart pattern on large paper clips similar to what I did for my niece last year. A couple are thank-you gifts, the other one for a friend. I have two more I’d like to make before next Wednesday. They are small enough I think it’s doable.

Trio of heart bookmarks on wandasknottythoughts
A trio of heart bookmarks

One of these is for an aunt, who recently sent me a couple of souvenir coins. She got these coins at the 1939 Golden Gate International Exposition in San Fransisco, California when she was eight years old.

Animal League coin on wandasknottythoughts
Animal League coin with a dog on one side

This coin is very lightweight. I’m thinking it is aluminum.

Animal League coin with a cat on wandasknottythoughts
Animal League coin with a cat

I never thought much about how long animal care organizations existed.

The coin she thought I’d want is this Coleman coin.

1939 Coleman lantern coin on wandasknottythoughts
1939 Coleman lantern coin

This coin is much heavier than the other, feeling more like an actual coin. You can tell it’s been carried around a lot, enough to rough up the lantern on it.

1939 Good luck Coleman coin on wandasknottythoughts
1939 Good luck Coleman coin

I started work for the Coleman Company in Wichita, Kansas in 1979. I never worked in the lantern factory, but it was a very important part of the company. This coin is so cool! I’m going to have to come up with a way to display it.

Now back to a few stretches, an ice pack, and my collection of things I would like to be tatting.

“Every experience, good or bad, is a priceless collector’s item.” Isaac Marion

Bookmark, Leftovers, and TIAS

I’m still working on the pattern for the Arlo bookmark. I’ve made several but I’m still not happy with the stitch count for the ends.

Arlo bookmark, 3 ways on wandasknottythoughts
Arlo bookmark, 3 ways

The one on the left is the original. The two shorter ones are with the end that I like the best. The stitch count in those end clovers still pulls the side clovers to an odd angle. I’m trying to decide what needs to happen to make them lay straight. I do like the look of the pattern in this colorway, Lizbeth #165 Grape Splash, in size 20.

I have a habit of leaving leftover thread on whatever shuttle I was using. When I need a shuttle for another thread, I usually have to empty one or two. I don’t like to unwind them onto a thread holder unless I know the thread number so I can use it confidently the next time I need that color. I usually forget what I used it for, and what the color number is. When I need another shuttle I normally tat small flowers or such to use up the thread. This leaves me with a lot of small flowers and stuff. I have many containers with these thread ends. Sometimes I even remember to use them. I used some of them this last week.

One of my grandsons just had a birthday. I didn’t have wrapping paper for his gift, so I improvised.

Wrapping paper on wandasknottythoughts
Wrapping paper with tatting

As you can see, I’m not much of an artist. The grass and bush are very basic. Isn’t it amazing how much better those things look with a bit of tatting? I wouldn’t do this for just anyone. Cutting the threads from the flowers and gluing them on took more time than I thought it would. This grandson is quite the artist and can appreciate my efforts. He actually cut this section out so he can keep it. Isn’t that sweet?

How many of you are doing Jane Eborall’s TIAS? I am. The pictures and comments from other tatters on the Tat It And See blog are fun to read. I check to see if any of their guesses are similar to mine. Some tatters out there are entertaining and imaginative in their suggestions. I have never been the first person to guess where her games go, but I sure do enjoy the journey.

TIAS Day 2 on wandasknottythoughts
TIAS Day 2
Day 3 on wandasknottythoughts
Day 3
Day 4 on wandasknottythoughts
Day 4
Day 5 on wandasknottythoughts
Day 5
Day 6 on wandasknottythoughts
Day 6

One of the ways Jane keeps us from knowing what we’re making is she starts in an odd place in the pattern and progresses in a manner that doesn’t show the whole until the end. She has quite the imagination. Can you tell what it is? I think it might be an animal, but other than that, I haven’t a clue. And the game continues.

“The urge for good design is the same as the urge to go on living.” Harry Bertoia

A New Bookmark

A friend of mine had her retirement party last week. I was trying to think of something to give her and felt a bookmark might work. I was too lazy to look up a bookmark pattern, so, as usual, I just started one. The bookmark is a common pattern type, I just put my flair on it.

Arlo bookmark on wandasknottythoughts
Arlo bookmark

This is made in Lizbeth #165 Grape Splash in size 20. This was quick and easy until I came to an end. I couldn’t make up my mind about what I wanted to do, so the two ends are different.

One end of Arlo on wandasknottythoughts
One end of Arlo

I like the look of this end but not how I got there. This needs a bit of work. Because I wasn’t happy with it, I did the other end a bit differently.

The other end of Arlo on wandasknottythoughts
The other end of Arlo

I like this look as well, but not the stitch count. The clover at the top joins to the sides a little wonky. I can see how I should change it – the next time.

I decided this bookmark didn’t come out well enough to give as a gift, so I gave her a Hymnal Angel that I had already made instead. My friend was quite happy with the angel, and I didn’t tell her that it wasn’t what I had originally meant to give her.

Monday was such a beautiful day outside that I took the dog for a walk at a local arboretum. Our normal temperature this time of year is in the lower 40° F, today was in the upper 50s. She and I enjoyed the outing greatly.

The pond at the arboretum on wandasknottythoughts
At the pond at the arboretum

Being winter, most of the plants were brown and not so pretty, but the walk and the weather were lovely. This was a wonderful change of scenery from our normal walk in our yard.

After our walk, I took her to our local coffee shop, where she got a pup cup, and I got a yummy coffee. Both of us were quite happy with our outing

I have several ideas for what I want to tat next. I’m even writing them down so I can remember them later! They might include hearts for Valentine’s. We’ll see how they come out. But today is the start of Jane’s 2023 TIAS!

Day 1 of Jane's 2023 TIAS on wandasknottythoughts
Day 1 of Jane’s 2023 TIAS

As there are no clues in the TIAS to indicate what colors to use, I’m doing it in Lizbeth #617 Magenta Med in size 20. Hmm, I have no guess yet.

Are you doing Jane’s TIAS? What do you think it is?

“Outside of a dog, a book is a man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” Groucho Marx

Hello, 2023!

It’s hard to believe that we are in 2023. 2022 had its ups and downs, with the end coming almost as a surprise. For me, it ended on a high note. My husband had the entire week off between Christmas and New Year’s day. It was great to spend time together without him having to go to work. We were also able to spend time with family, which was wonderful.

Since fall, between making Christmas ornaments and edgings, I’ve been playing with an idea based on a snowflake from last fall, the October snowflake.

October snowflake on wandasknottythoughts
October snowflake

I used the same stitch counts as this snowflake but added a couple more arms and did it all in white. I was not very impressed with how it came out.

October snowflake doily on wandasknottythoughts
October snowflake doily

It has a nice enough look, but the arms are not defined well. I decided to make it again, but in two colors, so the pattern is discernable.

October snowflake doily in two colors on wandasknottythoughts
October snowflake doily in two colors

I had Lizbeth Cranberry already on a shuttle when I started the center. I should have stuck with one of the other two colors. Both colors are in Cranberry, but the variegated center distracts from the overall look of the doily. This is made in size 20, whereas the white one is made in size 10.

White October snowflake doily with shuttle on wandasknottythoughts
White October snowflake doily in size 10

Both doilies are on the small side, as you can see by the Clover shuttle. I suppose I could do another round to increase the size. When/if I do make another, it will probably be in different colors. There are several minor changes I’d make as well.

I haven’t yet started anything new in the new year. In the midst of making all of the Christmas projects, I thought of other things I’d like to be doing. Did I write those down? No. Do I remember all of them? No. But I know I made plans! I’m not good at New Year’s resolutions, but maybe I should resolve to write my ideas down! It would also be good to remember where I write them down, LOL! One thing I do remember I plan on doing – Jane Eborall’s 2023 TIAS! The fun starts on January 11!

What are you working on? Have you started something new in the New Year?

“My New Year’s Resolution List usually starts with the desire to lose between ten and three thousand pounds.” Nia Vardalos