More Triangles

I had such wonderful comments on my triangle from last week that I thought I’d try a few of the things that were suggested.  I had a lot of time to tat Sunday between watching the NASCAR race and watching a movie on Blu-ray (Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit).  The outside is a very simple edging pattern making it easy to watch TV and tat. I completed four more triangles and most of a fifth that evening.  
Now I’m working on the centers. Making the centers first might seem like a good idea but I also want to try putting a few triangles together so I don’t want them to look too different from the original.  I can tat these on the way to work while my husband drives so it shouldn’t take me too long to get them done even if I don’t have as much time this week to watch TV.  The hard part will be putting the centers into the triangles.  Of course, once I’ve done a few it will probably get easier. I will have to pay close attention so TV viewing might not be a good idea while working on this part. 
I’m actually pretty excited about this little experiment and am hoping for plenty of time to work on it.

“True happiness comes from the joy of deeds well done, the zest of creating things new.”
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

5 thoughts on “More Triangles”

  1. I break out in hives if I dwell on filling the centre of the triangles!!! Good luck.

    Tatting time? Over the past month, I have watched about 12 seasons of MI5 (British series and VERY good), though I must have missed quite a bit. Some of the script writing was awfully clever and I had to rewind at times. I did get a LOT of tatting done though! : ))

  2. Looking forward to seeing the centers! I was imagining triangles joined through one another to make a triangle chain. Centers would be totally different

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