Not over the rainbow

Rainbow Splash thread that is.  I keep making things with it!
A couple of weeks ago, one of my grandsons asked for a ‘rainbow mouse’.  I didn’t think I had any thread  that quite fit the term ‘rainbow’ so I sent my daughter the email address of Handy Hands and asked them to choose a thread.  They thought #184, Rainbow Splash was just perfect. 
A small order to Handy Hands and I had a ball of the requested color.
“Morgan Mouse” © Wanda Salmans
#184 Lisbeth Rainbow Splash size 20
I’m somewhat picky about variegated threads. I think a lot look really great on the ball but then am unhappy with how they work up.  I also am not usually happy with threads that have a lot of different colors on them, preferring shades of similar colors instead – like all blues, or pinks, or whatever.  But I am very happy with Rainbow Splash!
I needed four mice, two going to each of my daughter’s houses, so I had to make a couple a little different.  One of the mice (second from the right) has blue eyes, and the one on the right has Flora #207 size 20 for the rings. It wasn’t an exact match but I don’t think my granddaughter will object.  You’ll also note that I used washers in the center instead of jewelry findings.
After finishing the mice I had still had thread on the shuttles.  Being spring with Easter on the way, what better way to use such bright, spring-y thread than Easter eggs?

 Simple ring and chain button Easter eggs in #184 Lizbeth Rainbow Splash size 20
I have a package of bright-colored buttons in colors that were right in line with the Rainbow Splash thread.  These button Easter eggs are so quick and easy I just couldn’t stop making them. They are very nice little doodles to make while in the car. I added a pin back to several of them and gave one of them to my mother.  She really liked it. I actually have an idea to use these, we’ll just see if I have time to put it together. Before Easter 🙂

Today for Tatting Tea Tuesday I had just a drop of tea
The teacup is part of a doll-size tea set I found on Ebay. Isn’t it cute? So dainty with such pretty flowers.
The shuttle is a decorated Boye shuttle.
Rainbows, Easter eggs and flowers – it must be spring!
“I’ve always taken ‘The Wizard of Oz’ very seriously, you know.  I believe in the idea of the rainbow.  And I’ve spent my entire life trying to get over it.”
Judy Garland

18 thoughts on “Not over the rainbow”

  1. I have about six of your mice done (just now) and going to place them on my blog after Easter, I so love them can't wait till you see what I am doing with them! love those button eggs too!

  2. Your grandson had a great idea. The rainbow mouse is fab! You have done a brilliant job of it. I too, think variegated yarns or thread look better on the spool, but this project was perfect for Rainbow Splash! The Easter eggs too are lovely! That is a sweet little tea cup! I adore it!

  3. Your mice and eggs are adorable. Jane Eb and I both requested that HH make rainbow thread. It took a few tries to convince them. I am so glad people are enjoying using it.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I decorated the shuttles. I used the method described on West Pine Creations. It worked really well for both material and paper. Good luck!

  4. Fabulous post. And you have changed my rather curmudgeonly impression of Rainbow Splash with those adorable mice. (I didn't like the greenish-yellow…or is it yellowish-green?) As always, your end quote was spot on!

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